OC Tag - Darkbreeze

14 min read

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Jayie-The-Hufflepuff's avatar

I was tagged by :icondevinital: to give eight facts about my character Darkbreeze from my Warrior fanfiction series Echoes of the War. *cracks knuckles* Alright, this should be fun. :D Darkbreeze is my favorite EOTW character, so I’m really happy she was picked. All but the last of facts were made up on the spot (the first part of the last fact was just made up, but the second part I've had sitting in my notes for a while), but they’re canon now because I’m the author and I said so. :P But it’s not like I made them up just ‘cause, they’re meant to be fitting to her character and everything I’ve already shown and implied in EOTW.


1. Post These rules.
2. Post 8 facts about your Character.
3. Tag 8 other people along with the characters you want them to write about (which leads to rule 4)
4. Post their avatars and write the character names next to them.

Alright, here we go. ^^


  1. Darkkit and her sister Nightkit were three and a half moons old when Heathertail finally sat them down and told them why their father wasn’t a WindClan cat anymore. Nightkit wasn't entirely surprised – she remembered being dragged out of the den by a Dark Forest cat during the battle, and witnessing the subsequent fight between her father and mother after she was saved, and she'd heard the whispers from her Clanmates about Breezepelt being a traitor afterward.

    But Darkkit was completely stunned. Her father had been a bit grumpy and moody when he'd been in her life, sure, but he'd played with her and had loved her and had been a good father. She couldn't believe that the father she'd thought she'd known had been a murderer and a traitor all along. It took some time for her to come to terms with the truth, but eventually Crowfeather sat her down and gently explained how Breezepelt had been raised, his own part in neglecting Breezepelt, and how Breezepelt had chosen the Dark Forest. It took Darkkit some time to come to terms with Breezepelt's actions, and Crowfeather's past as a terrible father to his son, but eventually she forgave Crowfeather. He may have been a terrible father before, but he was a great grandfather to her and her sister now, and that was what she cared about.

    She eventually moved past the loss of her father, and bounced back to being her happy-go-lucky self. When her father returned, however, some of those feelings of betrayal and hurt and disbelief surfaced again, especially after Breeze stole Nightfern's son away and killed Crowfeather, who had been a truer father to her. Her feelings of betrayal eventually turned into hatred for her father, and she ended up being one of the cats to kill him. She feels some sadness about this, but most of her love and regret for her father vanished the day he stole Graykit from her sister. 
  2. As a kit, Darkkit would constantly pester Crowfeather for stories about the sun-drown quest. She was fascinated by the far-off places and dangers he described, and she loved the idea of these friends from all four Clans forming a close bond and facing the great dangers of the world as one. Though Crowfeather never said anything to her about it, her enthusiasm for these stories did make him worry that Darkbreeze would either leave WindClan one day to see these wonders for herself, or forgo Clan boundaries the way he had in his youth. It came as a legitimate surprise to Crowfeather when Nightfern ended up being the one of the litter to take a mate from another Clan rather than her more carefree and rule-disregarding sister – though he did feel somewhat vindicated when he watched over her relationship with Cosmo from StarClan.

    When she was old enough, he did tell her about his relationship with Leafpool and how much pain their mistakes had caused themselves and others – but then he added that Darkbreeze was a much smarter cat than he had ever been, and he knew that he couldn’t make her decisions for her, and he would support her wherever her heart eventually led her. Darkbreeze understood his concerns, but was always grateful that he was understanding of her desire to explore beyond her own borders. She often wondered how much she suspected about his friendship with Silentstorm, and indeed he guessed that the two she-cats were closer than they let on, but she never worried that he would tell on her because of it. Crowfeather had always made sure that she knew he trusted her.

  3. Related to the above point, at Darkbreeze’s first Gathering, she made a straight beeline for Bramblestar and Squirrelflight before they had a chance to reach the Great Tree. She attacked them with gushing about how cool they were and how much she loved hearing about the sun-drown quest and questions about all of the things Crowfeather claimed had happened. Gorsetail managed to drag her apprentice away before Darkbreeze embarrassed herself too much, and she kept her well away from Tawnypelt, the only other sun-drown quest member, until the next Gathering when Darkbreeze had a bit better control of herself.

    Bramblestar was mostly bemused by the whole thing, but Squirrelflight thought it was hilarious that the grumpy Crowfeather had such a perky, energetic granddaughter to deal with, and she found Darkpaw’s enthusiasm for their quest amusing and somewhat touching. She also saw a bit of herself in the eager young she-cat, though Darkbreeze lacked her snark or bite. Darkbreeze never went quite so fangirl on the sun-drown quest cats again after that, but she always admired them and held them all in high regard.

  4. As well as Heathertail and Crowfeather, Darkbreeze actually had a very good relationship with her uncle Kestrelflight growing up. Her other uncle Weaselfur was nice enough to the siblings, though a strict warrior and deputy, and her younger uncle Quickhare was fun to play with in their younger days, but Darkbreeze clicked with Kestrelflight in a way she didn’t with her other relatives. They both had the same overly-cheerful, overly-trusting, overly-happy nature, even if Darkbreeze was a bit more self-aware and perhaps intelligent than her gentle uncle.

    Even though Darkbreeze never had the patience or inclination for healing, she would often barge into Kestrelflight’s den as a young kit, sending carefully-sorted herbs scattering in her enthusiasm as she begged her uncle to play with her. Kestrelflight never lost his patience with Darkkit for her energy – he could remember being the same way as a kit all too well. He was even more willing to forgo pride and goof off with her and play around like a kit than Crowfeather, or even Heathertail. Crowfeather was a more mature and parental presence in Darkbreeze’s life, and he was the one she turned to for advice on serious matters or when she felt bad about herself – but he couldn’t make her laugh like Kestrelflight could.

    As she grew older, Darkbreeze would turn to Kestrelflight when she needed to take her mind off of stress and just goof off for a bit. She was devastated when he died, but she was so focused on keeping her newborn kits, and the visiting Jaykit, alive that she barely had time to grieve.

  5. When Darkpaw was assigned Gorsetail as her mentor, the senior warrior was at first uncertain about her new apprentice. Darkpaw’s father had been the one to murder Gorsetail’s daughter Swallowtail after all. But that feeling of apprehension was very brief on Gorsetail’s part. Even if Darkpaw somewhat resembled her father in looks, it was very quickly obvious that she was nothing like him in personality. It took no time at all for the cheerful, friendly apprentice to win her mentor over… before the endless enthusiasm and energy of the young cat started to become tiring. Gorsetail had to move like a cat half her age to keep up with her energetic apprentice, and the endless cheer and questions were sometimes grating.

    But Gorsetail could never hold a grudge against Darkpaw for long, and eventually became fond of the cheerful little tabby on her own merits. In a way, Darkpaw somewhat reminded Gorsetail of the cheerful Beechfur, the mate she’d loved and lost moons ago, though Darkpaw was definitely her own cat. She was very proud when Darkbreeze became a warrior, and fiercely defended her against any who doubted her loyalty when Breeze came back and started making trouble for the Clans.

  6. Darkbreeze would claim to any who would ask that, if WindClan and ThunderClan came to battle, she could set aside her friendship with Silentstorm in order to fight her. While that was perhaps true in the beginning of her friendship, Darkbreeze became less and less sure of the sentiment the longer she knew Silentstorm and the rest of her non-WindClan friends. By the time the Clans were living together in the city, she was deeply in doubt that she could ever fight the friends she’d grown to love so much, and by the time the Silent Battle was over, she was absolutely certain that she could never hurt any of these cats. She loved Specklefoot and Silentstorm as friends too deeply to ever hurt them, and even the Silent Battle participants that she hadn’t been as close to, she’d been through too much fighting beside them to ever turn her claws on them.

    In the years following the Silent Battle, the few times she and her non-WindClan friends had to meet in battle, she always sheathed her claws when fighting against fellow fighters from the Silent Battle, even if they (namely Finstrike or Ambertalon) didn’t return the favor. The few cats who noticed could never bring themselves to confront her about it, not after how she’d helped saved them in the Silent Battle. Darkbreeze never held back against any other non-WindClan cats, however, and never hesitated to defend her Clanmates, even against her friends – though in the case of her friends, she mostly just knocked them away from her Clanmates and kept them distracted while her Clanmates got to safety.

  7. When Darkbreeze first started helping Specklefoot to train Cosmo, she was deeply curious about how cats outside of the Clans lived, and was glad to meet such a friendly cat who would be willing to answer her questions and help her explore the city. From there, she and Cosmo very quickly became friends, their similar cheerfulness and enthusiasm allowing them to get along almost immediately. As the moons passed, however, Darkbreeze was surprised by just how deeply she trusted and cared for the kittypet, in a different and more intimate way than she cared about her friends.

    Thinking about this scared her because of its implications, so she tried desperately to ignore her feelings, until her fear spiked when Cosmo one day confessed his feelings for her, asking her to become his mate. He was nervous about confessing his feelings, but thought that he and Darkbreeze would be great together, and saw no problem with their being in love. To his surprise, Darkbreeze reacted with fear, not joy. She gasped out that she did love him, but that they couldn’t be together, that her Clanmate would never trust her, that she couldn’t betray them, that she could never leave WindClan to live in the city with him, that she didn’t want to feel divided between her heart and her family.

    Cosmo was stunned by the realization of just what a problem their relationship would be in the eyes of the Clan – he truly hadn’t understood the way the Clans worked and how their rules about taking mates worked before.  Once he realized the extent of Darkbreeze’s concerns, however, he apologized for approaching the topic the way he had and upsetting her. Darkbreeze also apologized for reacting in such a panicked way when Cosmo clearly hadn’t meant any harm. The two tried to carry on with their friendship for a short time after that, determined not to put the other in an awkward position again, but eventually their feelings won out.

    Darkbreeze told Cosmo she wanted to meet more often, and he agreed almost immediately. They spent as much of their time together after that as possible, desperate to grab every last second together before they were inevitably parted. Darkbreeze knew from the start that Cosmo would not leave with her when WindClan left the city, but she loved Cosmo too much to let that stop her from spending her time with him.

    After the Silent Battle, Cosmo kept his word and stayed with WindClan as a pseudo-warrior/medicine cat apprentice combo until his kits were full-grown and had earned their warrior names. He and Darkbreeze saw each other far less often after that, as Darkbreeze had a duty to her Clan and couldn’t leave them all the time, but she did her best to visit Cosmo in the city as often as she could, and he snuck away to visit her in WindClan whenever he could manage it. Moons would sometimes go by without the two seeing each other, but it was better than nothing, and the fact that Darkbreeze could still see him at all without her Clan hating her for it or the boundaries of the city and the Clans dividing them forever she considered a miracle.

    Her kits often visited their father as well. Cosmo was devoted to their children, and was a wonderful father to them, earning him their love in return. Cosmo continued to visit his kits in WindClan even after Darkbreeze’s death, and he always made sure to pay a visit to Darkbreeze’s grave and update her on his and their kit’s lives, and how much they miss her. He died peacefully in his sleep four years after Darkbreeze died, and was reunited with her in the stars, the two splitting their time between StarClan and a kittypet afterlife for the rest of time.

  8. Darkbreeze died at seven and a half years of age, around half a moon after the death of her best friend Silentstorm. A dog from one of the greenleaf twoleg nests got loose and was terrorizing some of the younger warriors. Darkbreeze put herself between the younger cats and the dog. The twolegs managed to retrieve their dog, and Darkbreeze survived the initial attack, but her wounds proved too much for her and claimed her after a few days of futile efforts to heal her. She rejoined her dearest friends Silentstorm and Eeltooth in StarClan, and eventually Specklefoot, Nightfern, and Cosmo joined her there as well.

    While in StarClan, she watched over her living Clanmates, including her kits. She was ridiculously proud when her daughter Stormbreeze was named as the new deputy of WindClan. She was present for Stormbreeze's leader ceremony, and gave Stormbreeze her eighth life, a life for joy, gifting her daughter all of the joy and the cheer that she had always tried to live with.

I hereby tag:

:iconsarn-elyren: - Tesa
:iconhawktalon07: - Lavenderstar
:iconlopoddity: - PB Sandwich
:iconarualmeow: - Leaftail
:iconkelpyart: - Bearfang
:iconalbinoraven666fanart: - Mohatu
:iconowlcoat: - Foxback
:iconcushfuddled: - Dustpelt or Spottedleaf (within the Twin Shadows universe)

Don't feel that you have to do these, of course, I know I don't talk to all of you that often or comment on all of your stuff, but I've just tagged characters from stories I follow a lot (even if I don't comment as often as I should) and that I really admire. :D Again, though, don't feel that you have to fill this out, obviously.

© 2018 - 2024 Jayie-The-Hufflepuff
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Devinital's avatar
YAY! she's my favorite too so more love is always needed.