
A Misty Flame part 20

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Jayie-The-Hufflepuff's avatar

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     Mistyfoot gaped at her mate. "A kittypet?" She'd known that Cloudpaw had been accepting food from Twolegs, but she'd never thought that he'd abandon his Clan like that!
    Fireheart looked at her, his eyes filled with a weary sadness. "Dustpelt was leading a border patrol near Twolegplace, and they saw Cloudpaw being carried away inside a monster. They said they chased after the monster, but it was gone before they could blink." There was a hint of betrayal in his tone, and Mistyfoot realized that Cloudpaw's dissapearing act hurt Fireheart more then he cared to admit.
    The gray she-cat pressed against her mate's shoulder and murmered, "He'll be okay, Fireheart. He might come back." The ginger tom looked at his mate gratefully. After a long moment, Mistyfoot looked at her mate and asked, "Has Bluestar been told yet?"
    Fireheart nodded. "Darkstripe just went in to tell her." He said, looking positively wretched.
    At that moment, the dark gray tabby pushed his way past the lichen draping over the entrance of Bluestar's den. Darkstripe padded up to Fireheart and Mistyfoot, a horridly smug grin on his face. "Bluestar wants to see you." he informed his deputy with a smirk.
    Fireheart sighed. "Thanks, Darkstripe." He looked at Mistyfoot, "I gotta go."
     The former RiverClan cat rubbed against his cheek. "No problem. I'll probably go hunting while you're busy." Fireheart nodded his assent. He touched noses with his mate, then made his way towards Bluestar's den.
    Mistyfoot watched him go anxiously. Bluestar was more then likely to see Cloudpaw's disapearance as another sign that her Clan was turning against her, or worse, StarClan themselves.
    Trying to stifle her anxiety, the gray queen padded over to the fresh-kill pile, grabbing a finch off the pile.l she dragged it to the warrior's den and devoured it in a few bites. She leaned down to lick her chest, her gaze sweeping around the entire camp. A few cats were scattered around the camp, talking in groups, eating prey. 
    She saw a ginger and white apprentice padding next to her golden tabby denmate, both heading for the elder's den. She could hear the tabby grumbling to the she-cat, "Halftail nearly ripped my pelt out when I pulled that thorn out of his tail."
    The ginger and white she-cat let out a purr of amusement. "Well, you did step on his tail in the process." She pointed out shrewdly.
    Mistyfoot let out a contented sigh. Life in ThunderClan didn't seem to be all that different from life in RiverClan. I suppose cats are cats wherever you go, she mused. Suddenly, she heard pawsteps behind her. A pretty she-cat with silky white fur and brilliant blue eyes stood before her. "You're Mistyfoot, right? I've seen you at Gatherings." She had a soft, gentle voice that held no trace of hostility.
    Mistyfoot nodded. "And you're Frostfur, right?"
    The white queen nodded. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a hunting patrol with me and Willowpelt."
    She seemed to be genuinely friendly. Mistyfoot found herself saying, "I'd love to." 
    The next thing she knew, she was padding through the forest with Frostfur and another rather plump she-cat named Willowpelt. They hadn't spoken more then a few words since leaving camp, but Mistyfoot broke the silence. "I heard you're expecting kits, Willowpelt." She said hesitently. The pale gray she-cat nodded proudly. "Who's the father?" Mistyfoot asked.
    Willowpelt dipped her head shyly. "Whitestorm." She answered softly. 
    Bluestar's nephew, Mistyfoot recalled suddenly. That meant these kits would be her kin.
    Frostfur purred, "First Speckletail, the Goldenflower, now you and Mistyfoot. The nursery's going to be overflowing soon!" She turned to Mistyfoot. "I can't wait to meet your kits either. I'm sure they'll be great warriors."
    Mistyfoot sighed. "You seem to be the only one that thinks so." It was no more then she'd expected, but she was concerned for her kits' sakes, not for her own.
    She tipped her head in question. "Why are you being so nice to me?" The moment the words left her lips she wanted to take them back. "I didn't mean-"
    Frostfur cut her off. "It's fine, I understand." She smiled softly as she explained, "When Fireheart was just an apprentice, my kits were stolen by ShadowClan warriors. He and his friends saved them and brought them back to me. I've never stopped being grateful." She looked into Mistyffot's eyes with a steady blue gaze. "I trust him, it's as simple as that. And you seem nice enough." Mistyfoot gave a grateful purr. She was glad there were still cats who didn't let Fireheart's love for her make them forget the loyalty he had showed ThunderClan since the day he joined them.
    Willowpelt cut in, "Graystripe is my son. I wasn't overjoyed to find out he'd broken the warrior code to be with Silverstream, but I could tell how much he'd loved her, and how much it hurt him when he lost her. I wouldn't wish that pain on any cat, not even for the sake of the warrior code." She sighed sadly. "I just wish that Graystripe or Silverstream had made the choice you made. It would have saved my son a lot of pain." The she-cat hung her head sadly. She obviously missed her son more then she let on.
    Mistyfoot was at a loss for words. For a moment, she wondered what her kits in RiverClan were doing at that moment, and she felt a horrible feeling of pain and loss grip her heart. 
    After a moment, she gave Willowpelt a gentle nudge with her shoulder. "I know that Silverstream and Graystripe were happy when they were together, and I know that Crookedstar will make sure that your son and his kits always have a good home in RiverClan, for Silverstream's sake."
    Willowpelt gave her a grateful smile. "And Bluestar will make sure you have a home in ThunderClan." She told the former RiverClan queen.
    You have no idea, Mistyfoot thought. She and her new clanmates completed the rest of the hunt in compatible silence. Mistyfoot caught a thrush and a big squirrel, Willowpelt managed to catch a mouse despite her weight, and Frostfur surprised them both by catching a rabbit. After congradulating each other for their catches, the three she-cats headed towards the camp, prey dangling from their jaws. For the first time since she left RiverClan, Mistyfoot felt as though she had a home.
I couldn't let Fireheart be the only cat in ThunderClan that Mistyfoot was close to. Since her closest friend, Silverstream, died, it's high time she got some new ones.
Just so you guys know, I already know what the kits will be named and what they'll look like. I'm gonna give you one hint; they will all be named after cats Misty and Fire already know
© 2011 - 2024 Jayie-The-Hufflepuff
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WolfPlayz224's avatar
It was Cloudpaw?!? That is surprising!